Sound Forge is a digital audio editing suite by Magix Software GmbH which is aimed at the professional and semi-professional markets. There are two versions of Sound Forge: Sound Forge Pro 12 released in April 2018 and Sound Forge Audio Studio 13 released in January 2019.

Expected Skills

* Introduction to Sound

-What is Sound?
-Analog v/s Digital Audio
-Digitizing Sound
-Technical Terms in Sound
-Sound Editing Concept

* Introduction to Sound Forge

-Getting started with Sound Forge
-Data window Basics
-File Formats
-Common Edit Operations
-Making a Data Selection Using the Set Selection dialog box
-Making Data Selection with Markers
-Recording a Sound
-Recording Modes
-Audio mixing
-Status Formats

* Introduction

-Converting Files from one Format to Another
-Converting between Mono to Stereo
-Spectrum Analysis
-Spectrum Graph
-Regions and Markers
-Adjusting Selection points
-Drag and Drop operations
-Editing Stereo files

* Introduction

-Special Menu
-Process Menu
-Effects Menu
-Audio Plug-in Chainer
-Create CD
-Extract Audio from CD

* Introduction

-Streaming Audio
-Working with Audio
-Creating Real Audio, Real Videos, Net Show files, what is Streaming Audio