The course is part of a professional Android certificate program that focuses on using the Java programming language to develop Android applications. Go further in your mastery of Android with the Professional Android Developer MicroMasters program.

Expected Skills


* What is Android
* History and Version
* Installing Software
* Setup eclipse
* Hello android example
* Internet details
* Dalvik VM
* Software Stack
* Android core building blocks
* Android emulators
* Android manifest – xml
* R.Java File
* Hide title bar
* Screen orientation


* Working with button
* Toast
* Custom toast
* Toggle button
* Switch button
* Image button
* Checkbox
* Alert dialog
* Spinner
* Auto Complete text view
* Rating bar
* Date Picker
* Time Picker
* Progress bar
* Quick contact budge
* Analog clock and digital clock
* Working with hardware button
* File Downloading